We need a comprehensive strategy to decarbonise our energy system
The Scottish energy sector is poised to undergo a transformation that could, if fully realised, see it at the forefront of the global market for low carbon goods and services,...
The Scottish energy sector is poised to undergo a transformation that could, if fully realised, see it at the forefront of the global market for low carbon goods and services,...
Supporting the continued growth and export potential of the UK’s low carbon economy will be essential to the Conservative Party’s pledge to build a prosperous Britain, argues Nick Molho, Executive...
In-depth scientific research and monitoring in a real-time environment is recognised as vital to maximising learning opportunities for the offshore wind sector, says Adam Ezzamel, Project Director of the EOWDC...
Young people’s futures, including students’, depend upon a low carbon transition. The low carbon economy is not only likely to provide diverse and fruitful employment opportunities – it has to,...
Using heat pumps rather than gas boilers for heating and cooling can cut commercial building ventilation costs by 25% and provides a golden opportunity to improve city air quality, says...
Nick Molho, Executive Director at the Aldersgate Group, reviews the recently released Clean Growth Strategy. By showing cross-government commitment to growing low-carbon investments and setting out measures to cut emissions...
Julia Barrett, Director at Willmott Dixon Re-Thinking Limited, reviews the recently released Clean Growth Strategy and what it means for the construction industry. In 2016, when the Government subsumed the...
UK industry pays more for its electricity than counterparts in France and Germany for various reasons. Delivering more competitive power prices will require the UK government to make some important...
Liz Parkes, Deputy Director – Climate Change and Business Services at the Environment Agency, reviews the importance of resilience in building green infrastructure fit for the future. I’m looking forward...
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