Becoming a member

Becoming a member

The environmental agenda has never been more relevant.

At the Aldersgate Group we believe that ambitious climate and environmental policy is crucial to drive growth and create a thriving, competitive UK economy. Our membership combines leading voices from across the economy and civil society, including major businesses, NGOs, and academic institutions. This gives us a unique perspective on the key barriers slowing emissions reductions, nature restoration, and economic growth. Together, we develop high-impact and pragmatic policy proposals to address these challenges, accelerating emissions reductions and driving nature restoration while securing economic and societal benefits for the UK.

What does membership entail?

Being a member of Aldersgate Group involves:

  • Receiving the latest intelligence and insights on environmental and climate policy developments and their implications for the business community.
  • Engaging in genuine thought leadership with the Aldersgate Group Secretariat and members to develop tangible, high quality policy solutions for today’s most pressing climate and environmental challenges.
  • Providing your unique sectoral expertise and case studies to help inform and formulate the Aldersgate Group’s policy recommendations.
  • Representing your organisation at high-profile private member roundtables with key decision makers and opinion formers.
  • Attending and taking part in high-profile public events and webinars.
  • Supporting and joining targeted media initiatives and campaigns run by the Aldersgate Group and its peers on climate and environmental issues.
  • Collaborating, networking and sharing knowledge with like-minded organisations who are advocating for ambitious climate and environmental policy.
  • Demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to progressive climate and environmental policy, and leading by example through your actions.

What are the benefits of being an Aldersgate Group member?

  • Taking part in genuine thought leadership on climate, environmental and clean growth issues. Through our private member meetings and roundtables, public events and media campaigns, members engage constructively with subject matter experts, opinion formers, parliamentarians, civil servants and ministers. They contribute to the development of high quality, cross-economy and evidence-based policy solutions in Aldersgate Group reports and interventions, which the we then advocate for in the public arena. 
  • Joining a cross-economy and cross-society forum of environmental thought leaders. Members join a group with a unique composition, including businesses from a wide range of economic sectors, professional institutes, leading academic institutions, and high-profile NGOs. Members have access to a range of viewpoints that allow them to be better informed in terms of setting their own climate and environmental ambitions and how to position themselves in external policy debates.
  • Exclusive insights and profile opportunities. Members receive exclusive invitations to attend all Aldersgate Group events, including member-only roundtables, quarterly knowledge hubs and high-profile public events with Ministers. Members are the first port of call to contribute to Aldersgate Group publications, join private meetings with experts, opinion formers and policy makers, and speak at our high-profile public events.
  • Sharing knowledge and networking with fellow experts. Join our quarterly member meetings, quarterly knowledge hubs and regular private member roundtables where members can discuss key challenges facing their organisations, find solutions to commonly shared challenges and share expertise.
  • Policy, media and public affairs updates. An unlimited number of your colleagues can benefit from our monthly members updates, our weekly public affairs briefings and our event invitations.
  • Private members area access. All members will receive login details to our members area, with a library of past events, policy briefings and reports handily at your fingertips.

What do our members say?

What have we achieved?

Along with our members and working collaboratively with other groups, we have helped drive the UK Government’s adoption of ambitious climate and environmental targets and policy. We are proud to have recently played a part in:

  • Contributing towards the development of the UK government’s flagship strategies on reaching net zero emissions, industrial decarbonisation, buildings and heat, transport, hydrogen, green finance, resource efficiency and low carbon skills.
  • Feeding into the successful development and adoption of the Environment Act into UK law, with a commitment to put in place legally-binding environmental improvement targets.
  • Supporting the UK government to deliver an ambitious and successful COP26 International Climate Summit in Glasgow – and holding several high-profile events at the summit itself.
  • Successfully advocating for the adoption of the UK’s legally binding net zero target in 2019 and contributing to the development of the government’s net zero strategy underpinning the target.
  • Participating in the Green Jobs Taskforce and the Green Jobs Delivery Group to influence the government’s overall approach on low-carbon skills provision and the Department for Education’s Sustainability Strategy.
  • Helping shape the UK’s overall policy framework on green finance through our membership of the Green Finance Taskforce, Green Technical Advisory Group and Net Zero Transition Plan Taskforce.

Who can apply for Aldersgate Group membership?

We welcome organisations from across the economy who genuinely want to drive thought leadership and action to tackle climate change and other environmental challenges in their sector.

Members need to meet certain criteria (set out in our application form), including being a genuine sector leader on environmental and sustainability issues. Beyond their own operations, potential member organisations must also be able to demonstrate their credibility, commitment and efforts to positively influence scope three emissions and the broader environmental footprint of their supply chains and customers.

Please note, we are unable to admit trade bodies or associations into our membership.

What are the annual membership rates?

Membership to the Group is renewed on an annual basis. Current membership rates are:

Organisation typeMembership rate

Companies (turnover >£50mn)

£9,500 + VAT

SMEs (Company turnover <£50mn[1]), NGOs, not-for-profit, charities, academic bodies, professional institutes and public sector

£2,400 + VAT

Small charities and NGOs (turnover <£1.5mn)

£1,200 + VAT

Members are offered the opportunity to choose from two multi-year discount options if they are interested in paying for several years of membership upfront: 5% discount for two years’ membership subscription upfront or 10% discount for three years’ membership subscription upfront.

[1] The SME rate does not apply to companies, which, whilst meeting the definition of <£50mn turnover, are in effect part of a larger UK or international organisation which has an aggregate turnover above £50mn.

Interested in becoming an Aldersgate Group member?

We love to hear from organisations that genuinely want to take the lead in tackling climate change and other pressing environmental challenges. If you are interested in finding out more about Aldersgate Group membership for your business, professional body, NGO or academic institution, please get in touch using the form. We are sorry, but we are not currently accepting new individual members and we are unable to accept trade bodies or associations into our membership.

Organisation membership enquiry form

On receipt of your enquiry, one of the Aldersgate Group team will be in touch. For further enquiry, please don’t hesitate to email