Sixth Carbon Budget: how to take on the investment challenge?


On 9 December the Climate Change Committee (CCC) published its most ambitious carbon budget yet. The sixth carbon budget recommends that the UK cut its territorial emissions by at least 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels to be on a credible pathway towards net zero emissions by 2050. This will require significant infrastructure investment across the UK economy over the next 15 years, with annual low carbon investment needs estimated at £50bn from 2030 onwards – much of which will need to be met by the private sector.

With a keynote speech from the CCC’s Director of Analysis, Mike Thompson, and input from a range of business and civil society experts, this event explored the scale of the investment challenge facing the UK economy and how the policy and regulatory framework has to evolve to attract the levels of private investment that will be needed.

Welcome and introduction:

  • Nick Molho, Executive Director, Aldersgate Group


  • Mike Thompson, Director of Analysis, Climate Change Committee


  • Joan Walley, Chair, Aldersgate Group


  • Meryam Omi, Head of Sustainability and Responsible Investment Strategy, Legal and General Investment Management
  • Philippa Spence, Environment and Health UK Managing Principal, Ramboll
  • Kate Turner, Policy and Regulation Director, Scottish Power Renewables
  • Tor Farquhar, HR Director, Tata Steel Europe
  • Anna Turrell, Head of Environment, Tesco
  • Andrew Allen, Lead Policy Advocate, Woodland Trust