PRESS RELEASES | 07/12/2022
UK must lead by example through ambitious domestic nature policy

Reacting to the UK Government’s call for a deal that delivers for nature and ends species extinction at the CBD COP15 international biodiversity summit [1], Signe Norberg, Head of Public Affairs and Communications at the Aldersgate Group, said: “It is welcome to see the UK Government set out its negotiating priorities at the international biodiversity summit CBD COP15, particularly its emphasis on halting and reversing biodiversity loss. To maximise the UK’s voice during the negotiations and lead by example, it is vital that the UK Government publishes ambitious domestic environmental targets and a credible and detailed environmental improvement plan. Businesses strongly support ambitious environmental policy and would welcome an ambitious plan that enables them to accelerate and implement their own plans to address the nature crisis. Delivering this clear policy framework is critical to provide certainty that can drive private sector investment, create new markets and generate jobs across the country.”
[1] UK Government urges countries to agree a deal for nature as UN Convention of Biological Diversity gets underway