PRESS RELEASES | 16/11/2023
UK must cement position as a global leader in clean energy investment

Reacting to the Government’s announcement on the next Contracts for Difference auction, Rachel Solomon Williams, Executive Director of the Aldersgate Group, said: “This is a welcome change that will strengthen investor confidence and help to drive clean energy investment in the UK. Swift action was necessary following the problems faced in the last allocation round to address ongoing industry challenges and increasing global competition. A thriving renewables sector is vital to enable decarbonisation across the UK economy, from transport to heavy industry, and will ultimately bring significant economic benefits, boost energy security and drive prosperity across the country through lower bills and job creation. It’s now important that the Government builds on this progress and continues to deliver policy measures that will cement the UK as a global leader in clean energy investment, particularly as other nations are starting to pull ahead in the race to secure this vital funding. The Government should now look to ensure that the Autumn Statement strengthens the UK’s position by supporting the delivery of critical grid infrastructure, streamlining the planning system and addressing the green skills gap.”