Aldersgate Group response: long-term environmental targets

The Aldersgate Group recently responded to Defra’s consultation on long-term environmental targets. This consultation response provides targeted and constructive feedback to government’s proposals for targets on air quality, resources and waste, biodiversity and water.
Recommendations have been derived from in-depth engagement with our cross-sectoral membership including businesses, civil society, and academic institutions. We warmly welcome the arrival of these proposals, which put forward a wide set of objectives and have clearly entailed a vast amount of research, stakeholder engagement and consideration by officials and Ministers across Whitehall. Through various strategies, papers and plans, Government has made clear its aim to halt and reverse the decline of nature in England. This consultation and the initial proposals for developing measurable, legally binding targets are a significant milestone on the way to achieving these goals.
With some adjustments to ambition, filling in of gaps, and close alignment with wider policy frameworks, government could secure a truly world-leading legal framework of environmental objectives. Our business members are keen to see ambitious, comprehensive and coherent targets to provide them with much needed clarity on long-term policy direction and a stable investment environment. Together with the upcoming Environmental Improvement Plan, clear targets will establish a framework for government policies, incentives and regulations which will allow businesses to invest in more resource efficient and environmentally restorative business models and receive predictable revenues from doing so.